Public Function IsGoodStringToBit(Optional sSuffix As String) As Boolean
' verify correct StringToBit returns
' returns True if all tests are passed
' We gotta deal with the ANSI/ASCII vs Unicode issue here:
' StringToBit has *3 sub-disciplines* in analogy with the Asc-function:
' 1. StringToBit: 8 bits per char, unicode is converted to ANSIASCII
' 2. StringToBitB: 8 bits per char, first unicode byte (the upper unicode byte is ignored)
' 3. StringToBitW: 16 bits per char, both unicode bytes
' For example: the Euro-sign "€" = unicode 8364 (&H20AC), ANSIASCII-code 128
' StringToBit("€") --> "10000000" '= 128 = &H80 = Asc("€")
' StringToBitB("€") --> "10101100" '= 172 = &HAC = AscB("€")
' StringToBitW("€") --> "0010000010101100" '= 8364 = &H20AC = AscW("€")
On Error GoTo hell
Dim fFailed As Boolean
Dim i As Long
' 1. replace "StringToBit..." with the name of your function to test
' 2. set sSuffix param to "", "B", or "W" (see notes above)
Select Case UCase$(sSuffix)
Case ""
For i = 0 To 255
If StringToBit05(Chr$(i)) <> ByteToBit01((i)) Then
Debug.Print i; StringToBit05(Chr$(i)); " <> "; ByteToBit01((i))
Stop: fFailed = True
End If
If StringToBit05("€ÿ") <> "1000000011111111" Then Stop: fFailed = True
Case "B"
For i = 0 To 255
If StringToBitB05(Chr$(i)) <> ByteToBit01(AscB(Chr$(i))) Then
Debug.Print i; StringToBitB05(Chr$(i)); " <> "; ByteToBit01(AscB(Chr$(i)))
Stop: fFailed = True
End If
If StringToBitB05("€ÿ") <> "1010110011111111" Then Stop: fFailed = True
Case "W"
For i = 0 To 255
If StringToBitW05(Chr$(i)) <> Right$(LongToBit01(AscW(Chr$(i))), 16) Then
Debug.Print i; StringToBitW05(Chr$(i)); " <> "; Right$(LongToBit01(AscW(Chr$(i))), 16)
Stop: fFailed = True
End If
If StringToBitW05("€ÿ") <> "00100000101011000000000011111111" Then Stop: fFailed = True
End Select
' well done
IsGoodStringToBit = Not fFailed
Exit Function
MsgBox "ERROR at Chr$(" & i & "), that's " & Chr$(i), vbCritical
End Function
Back to StringToBit
Back to StringToBitB
Back to StringToBitW