Option Explicit Private Declare Function ArrPtr& Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (ptr() As Any) Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (dst As Any, src As Any, ByVal nBytes&) Private Header1(5) As Long Private Header2(5) As Long Private SafeArray1() As Integer Private SafeArray2() As Integer Private Declare Function CharUpperBuffW& Lib "user32" (lpsz As Any, ByVal cchLength&) Private Declare Function CharUpperBuffA& Lib "user32" (lpsz As Any, ByVal cchLength&) Private aUChars(&H8000 To &H7FFF) As Integer
Private Sub Class_Initialize() ' Set up our template for looking at strings Header1(0) = 1 ' Number of dimensions Header1(1) = 2 ' Bytes per element (integer = 2) Header1(4) = &H7FFFFFFF ' Array size ' Force SafeArray1 to use Header1 as its own header RtlMoveMemory ByVal ArrPtr(SafeArray1), VarPtr(Header1(0)), 4 ' Set up our template for look at search text Header2(0) = 1 ' Number of dimensions Header2(1) = 2 ' Bytes per element (integer = 2) Header2(4) = &H7FFFFFFF ' Array size ' Force SafeArray1 to use Header1 as its own header RtlMoveMemory ByVal ArrPtr(SafeArray2), VarPtr(Header2(0)), 4 Dim c As Long Dim ret As Long 'here, we borrow the LUT from UCase04/UCase05: For c = &H8000 To &H7FFF: aUChars(c) = c: Next If CharUpperBuffW(aUChars(-32768), &H10000) = 0 Then ' for 0 to 255 CharUpperBuffA <=> Asc(UCase$(Chr$(c))) ret = CharUpperBuffA(aUChars(0), 256 * 2) '2 bytes/char End If ' patch the stooges ' š 154/353 Š 138/352 ' œ 156/339 Œ 140/338 ' ž 158/382 Ž 142/381 ' ÿ 255/255 Ÿ 159/376 aUChars(353) = 352 aUChars(339) = 338 aUChars(382) = 381 aUChars(255) = 376 End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate() ' Make SafeArray1 once again use its own header ' If this code doesn't run the IDE will crash RtlMoveMemory ByVal ArrPtr(SafeArray1), 0&, 4 RtlMoveMemory ByVal ArrPtr(SafeArray2), 0&, 4 End Sub
Friend Function InStrCount06( _ ByRef sCheck As String, _ ByRef sMatch As String, _ Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, _ Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare _ ) As Long 'by Marzo Sette Torres Junior, marzojr@taskmail.com.br, 20021002 Dim lLenCheck As Long, lLenMatch As Long Dim j As Long, iFirstMatchChar As Integer 'store the length of both strings: lLenCheck = Len(sCheck) lLenMatch = Len(sMatch) If lLenCheck Then If lLenMatch Then If Start < 1 Then 'silently correct invalid value: Start = 1 ElseIf Start > lLenCheck Then 'return zero Exit Function End If 'point the arrays to our strings: Header1(3) = StrPtr(sCheck) Header2(3) = StrPtr(sMatch) 'here we optimize slightly for Len(sMatch) = 1: If lLenMatch > 1 Then 'lLenCheck = lLenCheck - lLenMatch + 1 Dim lDelta As Long lDelta = lLenMatch - 1 If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the last char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = SafeArray2(0) 'Here is where things get weird; we compare the first chars 'of both strings. But then we continue from the *end* of sMatch 'to the start (avoiding recheking the first chars). For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck - lDelta If SafeArray1(Start) = iFirstMatchChar Then For j = 1 To lDelta If SafeArray1(Start + j) <> SafeArray2(j) Then GoTo NotEqual Next InStrCount06 = InStrCount06 + 1 Start = Start + lDelta End If NotEqual: Next Else 'Store the (ucase of) last char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(0)) 'Here is where things get weird; we compare the ucases of 'the first chars of both strings. But then we continue 'from the *end* of sMatch to the start (avoiding recheking 'the first chars). For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck - lDelta If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iFirstMatchChar Then For j = 1 To lDelta If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start + j)) <> aUChars(SafeArray2(j)) Then GoTo NotEqual2 Next InStrCount06 = InStrCount06 + 1 Start = Start + lDelta End If NotEqual2: Next End If Else If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the only char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = SafeArray2(0) 'here we compare each char with iFirstMatchChar. For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck If SafeArray1(Start) = iFirstMatchChar Then InStrCount06 = InStrCount06 + 1 End If Next Else 'Store the (ucase of the) only char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(0)) 'here we compare the ucase of each char with iFirstMatchChar. For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iFirstMatchChar Then InStrCount06 = InStrCount06 + 1 End If Next End If End If End If End If End Function
Friend Function InStrCount07( _ ByRef sCheck As String, _ ByRef sMatch As String, _ Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, _ Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare _ ) As Long 'by Marzo Sette Torres Junior, marzojr@taskmail.com.br, 20021006 Dim lLenCheck As Long, lLenMatch As Long Dim j As Long, iFirstMatchChar As Integer 'store the length of both strings: lLenCheck = Len(sCheck) lLenMatch = Len(sMatch) If lLenCheck Then If lLenMatch Then If Start < 1 Then 'silently correct invalid value: Start = 1 ElseIf Start > lLenCheck Then 'return zero Exit Function End If 'point the arrays to our strings: Header1(3) = StrPtr(sCheck) Header2(3) = StrPtr(sMatch) 'here we optimize slightly for Len(sMatch) = 1: If lLenMatch > 1 Then Dim lDelta As Long lDelta = lLenMatch - 1 If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the first char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = SafeArray2(0) 'Here is where things get weird; we compare the first chars 'of both strings. But then we continue from the *end* of sMatch 'to the start (avoiding recheking the first chars). For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck - lDelta If SafeArray1(Start) = iFirstMatchChar Then For j = lDelta To 1 Step -1 If SafeArray1(Start + j) <> SafeArray2(j) Then GoTo NotEqual Next InStrCount07 = InStrCount07 + 1 Start = Start + lDelta End If NotEqual: Next Else 'change sMatch to uppercase For j = lDelta To 1 Step -1 SafeArray2(j) = aUChars(SafeArray2(j)) Next 'Store the first char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(0)) 'Here is where things get weird; we compare the ucases of 'the first chars of both strings. But then we continue 'from the *end* of sMatch to the start (avoiding recheking 'the first chars). For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck - lDelta If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iFirstMatchChar Then For j = lDelta To 1 Step -1 If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start + j)) <> SafeArray2(j) Then GoTo NotEqual2 Next InStrCount07 = InStrCount07 + 1 Start = Start + lDelta End If NotEqual2: Next End If Else If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the only char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = SafeArray2(0) 'here we compare each char with iFirstMatchChar. For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck If SafeArray1(Start) = iFirstMatchChar Then InStrCount07 = InStrCount07 + 1 End If Next Else 'Store the (ucase of the) only char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(0)) 'here we compare the ucase of each char with iFirstMatchChar. For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iFirstMatchChar Then InStrCount07 = InStrCount07 + 1 End If Next End If End If End If End If End Function
Friend Function InStrRev08( _ ByRef sCheck As String, _ ByRef sMatch As String, _ Optional ByVal Start As Long, _ Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare _ ) As Long 'by Marzo Sette Torres Junior, marzojr@taskmail.com.br, 20020625 Dim lLenCheck As Long, lLenMatch As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long, iLastMatchChar As Integer 'store the length of both strings: lLenCheck = Len(sCheck) lLenMatch = Len(sMatch) If lLenCheck Then If lLenMatch Then If Start <= 0 Then 'no Start was specified, so we start at the end: Start = lLenCheck ElseIf Start < lLenMatch Then 'return zero Exit Function End If 'point the arrays to our strings: Header1(3) = StrPtr(sCheck) Header2(3) = StrPtr(sMatch) 'here we optimize slightly for Len(sMatch) = 1: If lLenMatch > 1 Then If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the last char of sMatch in a buffer: iLastMatchChar = SafeArray2(lLenMatch - 1) 'here we start at the *end* of sCheck and compare each char 'with iLastMatchChar. If a match is found, we compare from 'the next-to-last char of sMatch to the start of sMatch. Do Start = Start - 1 If SafeArray1(Start) = iLastMatchChar Then j = lLenMatch - 1 i = Start - j Do j = j - 1 If SafeArray1(i + j) <> SafeArray2(j) Then GoTo NotEqual Loop While j InStrRev08 = i + 1 Exit Function End If NotEqual: Loop Until Start < lLenMatch Else 'Store the (ucase of) last char of sMatch in a buffer: iLastMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(lLenMatch - 1)) 'here we start at the *end* of sCheck and compare the ucase 'of each char with iLastMatchChar. If a match is found, we 'compare ucases from the next-to-last char of sMatch to the 'start of sMatch. Do Start = Start - 1 If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iLastMatchChar Then j = lLenMatch - 1 i = Start - j Do j = j - 1 If aUChars(SafeArray1(i + j)) <> aUChars(SafeArray2(j)) Then GoTo NotEqual2 Loop While j InStrRev08 = i + 1 Exit Function End If NotEqual2: Loop Until Start < lLenMatch End If Else If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the only char of sMatch in a buffer: iLastMatchChar = SafeArray2(0) 'here we start at the *end* of sCheck and compare each char 'with iLastMatchChar. While Start Start = Start - 1 If SafeArray1(Start) = iLastMatchChar Then InStrRev08 = Start + 1 Exit Function End If Wend Else 'Store the (ucase of the) only char of sMatch in a buffer: iLastMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(0)) 'here we start at the *end* of sCheck and compare the ucase 'of each char with iLastMatchChar. While Start Start = Start - 1 If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iLastMatchChar Then InStrRev08 = Start + 1 Exit Function End If Wend End If End If Else If Start <= lLenCheck Then InStrRev08 = Start End If End If End Function
Friend Function InStr01( _ ByRef sCheck As String, _ ByRef sMatch As String, _ Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, _ Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare _ ) As Long 'by Marzo Sette Torres Junior, marzojr@taskmail.com.br, 20021002 Dim lLenCheck As Long, lLenMatch As Long Dim j As Long, iFirstMatchChar As Integer 'store the length of both strings: lLenCheck = Len(sCheck) lLenMatch = Len(sMatch) If lLenCheck Then If lLenMatch Then If Start < 1 Then 'silently correct invalid value: Start = 1 ElseIf Start > lLenCheck Then 'return zero Exit Function End If 'point the arrays to our strings: Header1(3) = StrPtr(sCheck) Header2(3) = StrPtr(sMatch) 'here we optimize slightly for Len(sMatch) = 1: If lLenMatch > 1 Then 'lLenCheck = lLenCheck - lLenMatch + 1 If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the last char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = SafeArray2(0) 'Here is where things get weird; we compare the first chars 'of both strings. But then we continue from the *end* of sMatch 'to the start (avoiding recheking the first chars). For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck - lLenMatch + 1 If SafeArray1(Start) = iFirstMatchChar Then j = lLenMatch - 1 Do If SafeArray1(Start + j) <> SafeArray2(j) Then GoTo NotEqual j = j - 1 Loop While j InStr01 = Start + 1 Exit Function End If NotEqual: Next Else 'Store the (ucase of) last char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(0)) 'Here is where things get weird; we compare the ucases of 'the first chars of both strings. But then we continue 'from the *end* of sMatch to the start (avoiding recheking 'the first chars). For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck - lLenMatch + 1 If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iFirstMatchChar Then j = lLenMatch - 1 Do If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start + j)) <> aUChars(SafeArray2(j)) Then GoTo NotEqual2 j = j - 1 Loop While j InStr01 = Start + 1 Exit Function End If NotEqual2: Next End If Else If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then 'Store the only char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = SafeArray2(0) 'here we compare each char with iFirstMatchChar. For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck If SafeArray1(Start) = iFirstMatchChar Then InStr01 = Start + 1 Exit Function End If Next Else 'Store the (ucase of the) only char of sMatch in a buffer: iFirstMatchChar = aUChars(SafeArray2(0)) 'here we compare the ucase of each char with iFirstMatchChar. For Start = Start - 1 To lLenCheck If aUChars(SafeArray1(Start)) = iFirstMatchChar Then InStr01 = Start + 1 Exit Function End If Next End If End If Else If Start <= 0 Then InStr01 = 1 Else InStr01 = Start End If End If End If End Function