' by Paul, wpsjr1@syix.com, 20020610
Option Explicit

Private sCache(255) As String ' waste 128K to speed things up

Private Sub Class_Initialize() Dim i As Long i = 255 Do sCache(i) = String$(512, i) i = i - 1 Loop While i >= 0 End Sub
Friend Function Replicate13(ByVal Number As Long, ByRef Pattern As String) As String ' by Paul, wpsjr1@syix.com, 20020610 ' based on code by Donald ' requires FastString type library Dim lenPattern As Long Dim ptrDst As Long Dim ptrSrc As Long Dim lTotal As Long Dim lPattern As Long lenPattern = Len(Pattern) lTotal = Number * lenPattern If lTotal > 0 Then ptrSrc = FastString.SysAllocStringLenPtr(ByVal 0&, lTotal * 2) ' bytes ptrDst = ptrSrc lPattern = AscW(Pattern) If lenPattern = 1 Then If lTotal >= 512 Then lenPattern = 1024 Else lenPattern = lTotal * 2 End If FastString.VB6.vbaCopyBytesStr lenPattern, ByVal ptrDst, sCache(lPattern) Else lenPattern = lenPattern * 2 FastString.VB6.vbaCopyBytesStr lenPattern, ByVal ptrDst, Pattern End If ptrDst = ptrDst + lenPattern If lenPattern <= lTotal Then Do 'http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.doubling.pennies.html FastString.VB6.vbaCopyBytes lenPattern, ByVal ptrDst, ByVal ptrSrc ptrDst = ptrDst + lenPattern lenPattern = lenPattern * 2 Loop While lenPattern <= lTotal End If lTotal = lTotal * 2 lenPattern = lTotal - lenPattern ' fill-in remaining bytes, does nothing if lenPattern = 0 FastString.VB6.vbaCopyBytes lenPattern, ByVal ptrDst, ByVal ptrSrc FastString.RtlMoveMemory Replicate13, ptrSrc ' give the function our pointer End If End Function
Friend Function Join13(sArray() As String, Optional Delimiter As String = " ") As String ' by Paul, wpsjr1@syix.com, 20020610 ' requires FastString type library Static lLengths() As Long Static lPrevLen As Long Dim lTotalLen As Long Dim lNumItems As Long Dim lDelimLen As Long Dim lLength As Long Dim lLbound As Long Dim lUbound As Long Dim ptrSrc As Long Dim ptrDst As Long Dim lElementLen As Long Dim i As Long lLbound = LBound(sArray) lUbound = UBound(sArray) lDelimLen = LenB(Delimiter) lNumItems = lUbound - lLbound + 1 If lNumItems <> lPrevLen Then ReDim lLengths(lLbound To lUbound) lPrevLen = lNumItems If lLbound = 0 Then i = lUbound Do lLength = LenB(sArray(i)) ' its a tiny bit faster to cache the lengths, but almost not worth the trouble lLengths(i) = lLength lTotalLen = lTotalLen + lLength + lDelimLen i = i - 1 Loop While i >= 0 Else ' non 0 based array EWWW! For i = lLbound To lUbound lLength = LenB(sArray(i)) lLengths(i) = lLength lTotalLen = lTotalLen + lLength + lDelimLen Next i End If lTotalLen = lTotalLen - lDelimLen ' remove the trailing delimiter, if any lTotalLen = lTotalLen \ 2 ' adjust to chars If lDelimLen Then Join13 = String$(lTotalLen, Delimiter) ' this function is just hard to beat. SysAllocStringLenPtr and RtlFillMemoryUlong comes close. ptrDst = StrPtr(Join13) Else ptrDst = FastString.SysAllocStringLenPtr(ByVal 0, lTotalLen * 2) End If i = lLbound ptrSrc = ptrDst ' save the beginning Do lElementLen = lLengths(i) FastString.VB6.vbaCopyBytesStr lElementLen, ByVal ptrDst, sArray(i) i = i + 1 ptrDst = ptrDst + lElementLen + lDelimLen Loop While i <= lUbound FastString.RtlMoveMemory Join13, ptrSrc End Function