Public Static Function InStrCount04( _
ByRef Text As String, _
ByRef Find As String, _
Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare _
) As Long
' by Jost Schwider,, 20010912, rev 001 20011121
Dim TextAsc() As Integer
Dim TextData As Long
Dim TextPtr As Long
Dim FindAsc(0 To MODEMARGIN) As Integer
Dim FindLen As Long
Dim FindChar1 As Integer
Dim FindChar2 As Integer
Dim i As Long
If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then
FindLen = Len(Find)
If FindLen Then
'Ersten Treffer bestimmen:
If Start < 2 Then
Start = InStrB(Text, Find)
Start = InStrB(Start + Start - 1, Text, Find)
End If
If Start Then
InStrCount04 = 1
If FindLen <= MODEMARGIN Then
If TextPtr = 0 Then
'TextAsc-Array vorbereiten:
ReDim TextAsc(1 To 1)
TextData = VarPtr(TextAsc(1))
RtlMoveMemory TextPtr, ByVal ArrPtr(TextAsc), 4
TextPtr = TextPtr + 12
End If
'TextAsc-Array initialisieren:
RtlMoveMemory ByVal TextPtr, ByVal VarPtr(Text), 4 'pvData
RtlMoveMemory ByVal TextPtr + 4, Len(Text), 4 'nElements
Select Case FindLen
Case 1
'Das Zeichen buffern:
FindChar1 = AscW(Find)
For Start = Start \ 2 + 2 To Len(Text)
If TextAsc(Start) = FindChar1 Then InStrCount04 = InStrCount04 + 1
Next Start
Case 2
'Beide Zeichen buffern:
FindChar1 = AscW(Find)
FindChar2 = AscW(Right$(Find, 1))
For Start = Start \ 2 + 3 To Len(Text) - 1
If TextAsc(Start) = FindChar1 Then
If TextAsc(Start + 1) = FindChar2 Then
InStrCount04 = InStrCount04 + 1
Start = Start + 1
End If
End If
Next Start
Case Else
'FindAsc-Array füllen:
RtlMoveMemory ByVal VarPtr(FindAsc(0)), ByVal StrPtr(Find), FindLen + FindLen
FindLen = FindLen - 1
'Die ersten beiden Zeichen buffern:
FindChar1 = FindAsc(0)
FindChar2 = FindAsc(1)
For Start = Start \ 2 + 2 + FindLen To Len(Text) - FindLen
If TextAsc(Start) = FindChar1 Then
If TextAsc(Start + 1) = FindChar2 Then
For i = 2 To FindLen
If TextAsc(Start + i) <> FindAsc(i) Then Exit For
Next i
If i > FindLen Then
InStrCount04 = InStrCount04 + 1
Start = Start + FindLen
End If
End If
End If
Next Start
End Select
'TextAsc-Array restaurieren:
RtlMoveMemory ByVal TextPtr, TextData, 4 'pvData
RtlMoveMemory ByVal TextPtr + 4, 1&, 4 'nElements
'Konventionell Zählen:
FindLen = FindLen + FindLen
Start = InStrB(Start + FindLen, Text, Find)
Do While Start
InStrCount04 = InStrCount04 + 1
Start = InStrB(Start + FindLen, Text, Find)
End If 'FindLen <= MODEMARGIN
End If 'Start
End If 'FindLen
'Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorieren:
InStrCount04 = InStrCount04(LCase$(Text), LCase$(Find), Start)
End If
End Function