Function InStr
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
Native to VB5 and VB6 (actually to all versions of VB, even to all versions of BASIC, AFAIK).
VBspeed's Declaration:
InStr(sCheck, sMatch[, Start[, Compare]])
VB's native Declaration:
VB's InStr, of course, looks like this (with the optional Start parameter as the first argument, a weird setup if you ask me):
InStr([Start, ]sCheck, sMatch[, Compare])
sCheck | Required. String expression being searched.
sMatch | Required. String expression being searched for.
Start | Optional. Numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, search begins at the first character position (Start = 1).
Compare | Optional. Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. If omitted, a binary comparison is performed.
Return Values:
Typical cases:
InStr("abc", "a") => 1
InStr("abc", "b") => 2
Special cases:
sCheck is zero-length => 0
sMatch is zero-length => start
sMatch is not found => 0
Start > Len(sMatch) => 0
Roll your own
If you want to have a go at InStr yourself, use this function (VB5/6-compatible) to verify the correctness of your code.